Training up the next generation of disciples

Reaching students with the Gospel by creating irresistibly fun, and extremely engaging environments where students can connect with others and grow to maturity and mission in Jesus Christ!


Senior High

Service times:

- Wed. Nights 7PM

- Sun. Mornings 930AM

All 9th-12th graders are invited to join us on Wednesday nights for some crazy fun and extremely engaging experiences! There's a seat saved for you... want to know more? Check our page out!

Junior High

Service times:

- Wed. Nights 7PM

- Sun. Mornings 930AM

Calling all 6th - 8th Graders! Join us on Wednesday nights for a time of fun, fellowship, worship, and a challenge from the Word! It's a can't miss opportunity! Check out our page to see what's going on!



We know that parenting a teenager is hard! Let us help! Check out our parents page which is chalked full of resources for you in your calling as a parent!